The certification of professional knowledge and skills of people is a trend that tends to be established in Greece while it has already been established in the EU and internationally as an integral part of vocational training in the framework of lifelong Learning. In the field of quality certification, Accreditation is the process of formal recognition by an awarding body, that a legal or natural person performs specific activities with impartiality and with documented adequacy.
GlobalCert is an awarding body from the National Accreditation system (E.SY.D.) and provides certifications in 53 specialties in 10 sectors of the market, making it a leading human resource awarding body in Greece.
List of certifications of E.SY.D. by GlobalCert

- Computer Skills and File Management
- Word Processing
- Excel Spreadsheets
- Internet services
- Databases
- Presentations
- INTERMEDIATE (including at least one module or combination of modules other than the following)
- INTERMEDIATE A (modules 2, 3, 4),
- INTERMEDIATE B (modules 2, 3, 4, 5 or 2, 3, 4, 6),
- INTERMEDIATE C (modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

- Hotel Receptionist
- Floor Department Employee
- Linen Room Employee
- Management Employee in Tourism Enterprises
- Marketing Assistant (specializing in the Tourism Sector)
- Hotel Call Centrer Employee
- Butcher
- Chef
- Bartender
- Buffet Person
- Food and Beverage Operator (Food health and safety)
- Professional Cleaner
- Manager of food businesses
- Art restaurant specialist
- Pastry Chef
- Tourism Animator

What is E.SY.D.
The National Accreditation System (E.SY.D.) has been designated as the National accreditation body of Greece in accordance with the requirements of article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003. 765/2008 where each Member State designates a single national accreditation body.
For the award of an accreditation certificate, an evaluation of the awarding body shall be made on the spot by a group of evaluators and, where appropriate, experts, whose members have in-depth knowledge of the relevant technical object, as well as experience in Evaluation of quality assurance systems.
The accreditation of the GlobalCert by the E.SY.D. confirms its reliability, fairness and prestige and seals the international acceptance of the certificates it possesses. This accreditation enables GlobalCert to offer in the most effective way integrated certification services that meet the new requirements of lifelong learning.
E.SY.D. Certification Advantages
The European national accreditation bodies have set up the EU co-operation for Accreditation (EA), which coordinates and supervises their activities. In the context of EA, multilateral agreements (multilateral Agreements-MLAs) are concluded on mutual equal recognition of the activities of European accreditation bodies.
E.SY.D. is a founding member of the EA (European co-operation for Accreditation) has obvious favorable effects on the recognition of accredited by the E.SY.D. organisations and the strengthening of the competitiveness of the national economy in general.
The immediate consequence of this accession is that the national accreditation bodies of all European countries support the acceptance in their country of certificates issued by the accredited by the EU and recognise them as equals that themselves have accredited. The above recognition is automatically extended on a global scale, with bilateral agreements between the EA and the accreditation bodies of the industrialised developed countries. International recognition in all EU countries, USA, Canada, Japan, China, Australia, etc.)
Certified recognition of qualifications
throughout the world.
For more information on the E.SY.D. Certifications of GlobalCert Contact us: 210 33 000 10