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Global Master in Office

Certification of advanced IT knowledge

Global Master in Office

It is the natural continuation of Global Intermediate certificates entitling holders to an undeniable proof of substantial and in depth knowledge of Microsoft Office.

Global Master in Office includes everything that is required for the Global Intermediate exams, enriched with advanced features of applications that increase productivity.

The level reflects the knowledge of users who significantly differ from the average users, since they have an in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office features, which enables them to make the most out of the applications and produce quality results in a short time.


Master in Office includes the following modules:

Master in Office


Word processing

To whom is it addressed:

  • Individuals who wish to enhance their resume with a certificate that sets them apart from the competition in the labour market.
  • Companies and organisations wishing to set higher computer knowledge standards for their staff.
  • People who wish to have an in depth knowledge of Microsoft Office applications to increase their productivity.

Certification procedure

Each module is examined individually within a specific time frame (50 minutes). The examination includes exclusively case studies, in order for the candidate to demonstrate practical knowledge. Candidates, who wish to demonstrate comprehensive knowledge in Microsoft Office applications, may receive the Master in Office certificate, upon successful completion of all 4 modules. Of course, one may receive certificates for individual modules of Master in Office, after having successfully passed the respective exams.

Master in Office Syllabus

Download from the table below the Syllabus of the module you are interested in.

word Word processing Download
excel Spreadsheets Download
access Databases Download
PowerPoint Presentations Download



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