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KAE Lavrio - Megabolt

GlobalCert sole representative of the recognised worldwide NOCN English Language Certificate.

KAE Lavrio – Megabolt has announced its cooperation with the leading Greek Awarding Organisation GlobalCert, sole representative of the recognised worldwide NOCN English Language Certificate.

About the company:

GlobalCert is an International Awarding Organisation for Human Resources and Systems Management, recognised by the EOPPEP (National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Training) supervised by the Ministry of Education and accredited by the ESYD (Hellenic Accreditation System), with a constant and well-established presence in the field of certification.

GlobalCert provides certification services on Computer Science and Computer Use for all levels, recognised by the EOPPEP and admissible to ASEP for recruitment in the Public Sector, along with certifications in specialised skills in the field of Information Τechnology required by the modern market.

GlobalCert’s strategic partnership with NOCN, the UK’s leading Awarding Organisation, recognised by Ofqual, led to the NOCN English Language Certification on levels B1 through C2 to become candidates’ first choice. GlobalCert is the exclusive representative of the NOCN English Language Certification worldwide.

GlobalCert is among the most reliable Awarding organisations, with international prestige. Having established its position in the field of certification, it has more than 900 collaborating centres all over Greece, it offers more than 160 certifications, and awards certificates to over 45.000 candidates per year.

It operates in many countries, has established strong collaborations with universities and internationally recognised certification organisations both locally and internationally, focusing on quality, validity and reliability of the certificates offered. GlobalCert’s goal is to provide globally recognised certificates.


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