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Cooperation of GlobalCert with the Army (SPPC)

GlobalCert Certification Exams at the Army Computer Programmer's School (SPPC)

Cooperation of GlobalCert with the Army (SPPC)

GlobalCert, an accredited Human Resource Certification Body, with a continuous and established presence in the field of certification of individuals ' qualifications and the School of computer Programmers of the Army (SPPC) concluded an agreement Co-operation for the Certification of Basic Skills of Computer Use in the Private service.

The co-operation was signed, in the framework of actions of the army as a declaration of the Year 2018 as the Year of care for Personnel, between the president of GlobalCert Mr. George Tsatsabas and the Commander of the MFA, Colonel Constantine Kouvelis.

Through this collaboration, it is possible for conscripts to acquire the certificate of Global Intermediate Express, recognized by the Supreme Council of Personnel Selection (ASEP), while fulfilling their military obligations, which will be a professional advantage in their later careers.

In the meeting attended, the commander of the MFA Colonel Constantinos Kouvelis, the president of GlobalCert Mr. Georgios Tsatsamas and the network development consultant Mr. Fotini Latsis, expressed the intention to broaden this cooperation.

The Philosophy and aim of GlobalCert is to provide its services to society, through collaborations with both public and private bodies and its mission is not to confine itself to research, but as far as possible to contribute to the progress and development of the country.


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