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Greece 2.0

Partner's Conditions

Partner's Conditions

Upon applying of becoming a GlobalCert Examination Centre the following must be provided.

  • A detailed list of Hardware (H/W) regarding the internal network and telecommunication equipment.
  • A detailed list of Hardware and Software per classroom.
  • Floor plans.

Required specifications to become a GlobalCert Examination Centre

The conditions required for each Examination Centre are the following:

  • The candidate Examination Centre must have at least one (1) single independent examination room.
  • The Examination Room must meet all fire safety standards in excellent working order.
  • The Examination Room must have a wall clock prominently placed.
  • The Examination Room must have the appropriate ventilation, heating, cooling, and lightening.
  • The Examination Centre must provide fax and email services.

Individual Criteria for Classroom

Installed Software (S/W) and Hardware (H/W)

Each Examination Centre must meet the following specifications in software (S/W) and hardware (H/W):

  • At least Windows XP and Internet Explorer 5.5 or later
  • Microsoft Office XP Greek or newer.
  • Minimum Intel Pentium III Processor or Intel Celeron with 600 MHz or AMD with 800 MHz speed.
  • Minimum 256 MB RAM memory per computer
  • Minimum graphics card performance analysis enabled 1024x 768 in screen pixels with 16bit color resolution, per computer.
  • One (1) CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, per computer.
  • At least 500 MB free storage space, per computer.
  • Minimum 15 " Monitor, per computer.
  • Sound card, per computer.
  • A pair of headphones per computer (only in cases of the DISABLED/only in the Disabled area).
  • Computers must be on a network with at least 100Mbps speed.
  • The existence of UPS for ensuring uninterruptible power supply.
  • The existence of at least one printer.
  • The existence of at least a minimum of 2Mbps ADSL connection, which all computers of the Classroom can use.


The Examination Centre must have the following staff in order to conduct and run the GlobalCert exams:

  • Exam Centre Supervisor approved by GlobalCert.
  • Technical Supervisor, responsible for Software and Hardware support in carrying out the tests.

Health and safety measures

  • The Classrooms/reception/lobby and generally the premises of an Examination Centre must meet all fire safety standards and regulations.
  • A manual, start a fire, warning system should be in place and also light and acoustic signals warning us in case of a fire.
  • There should be a sufficient number of portable fire extinguishers, in places easily accessible (on the walls, visible, without barriers to access).
  • All areas should be marked with appropriate pictograms to indicate exits and escape routes.
  • All fire extinguishers must be checked and retreated.
  • There should be a full-service pharmacy on aid.
  • The Examination Centre must have an evacuation route with the appropriate signing, while in prominent places emergency telephone numbers must be placed.

Possible Access for disabled (where there is a related area)

There should be adequate provision for the movement of people with disabilities, as defined by relevant laws, provisions or EU directives.

There should also be at least one suitable toilet for people with disabilities/special needs.




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