Endorsed Programs – Foreign Languages for Tourism is a language certificate specializing in the terminology of the Tourism industry
GlobalCert issues certificates of foreign languages in Tourism from the British awarding body, NOCN after successfully being examined on the certified syllabus.
Foreign languages-Terminology in the tourist sector
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NOCN (National Open College Network) is a recognised awarding body in the United Kingdom, which was established in 1987 with the support of NIACE (National Institute of Adult Continuing Education). NOCN operates in 180 countries worldwide.
Suitable for:
Employees of the tourism industry, such as:
- Restaurant Staff
- Chef
- Waiters
- Bar-Cafeteria staff
- Hotel Staff
- Porters
- Housemaids
- Animateur etc.
- To adults with basic knowledge of the language (level A2) who wish to work in the developing tourist sector
Benefits for the trainee
- Preparing for the exam makes learners able to work successfully in the field of tourism and to confidently communicate in a customer service environment.
- The student obtains a certification from a European recognised Awarding body-not just a simple confirmation of studies-thus proving that he is the holder of the knowledge gained from his training, which differentiates him from the competition in the job market.
Exam Profile
- The duration of a course leading to certification is approximately fifty (50) hours.
- Through the examination process you are examined in:
- Reading Comprehension (Reading)
- Listening Comprehension (Listening)
- The examination is Paper Based.