
The International Standard ISO 17021-1:2015


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) does not certify organizations. There are certification organizations however, such as the E.SY.D that has been designated as the National Accreditation Organization of Greece(each member state designates only one national accreditation organization), which control the organizations - Certification Bodies and accredit them so that they are able to issue ISO certificates of conformity.

The International Standard ISO 17021-1:2015 refers to principles and requirements related to the competence, consistency and impartiality of certification bodies which provide inspections and certification of management systems.

ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 was developed to meet the need for a Standard that would facilitate the recognition of bodies which carry out conformity assessments such as GlobalCert, as well as the recognition and acceptance of their certifications on a National and International level.

Η GlobalCert is an ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 Accredited Certification Body for technical audits, inspections and certification of management systems by the National Accreditation System (E.SY.D.). The certificates Globalcert grants are accepted and recognized nationally and internationally.

Our partner certified inspectors and experts are selected with strictly defined criteria and procedures. They have in-depth knowledge of the respective technical subjects, as well as extensive expertise to ensure a thorough and excellent conduct of the assessment and controls for each of our partners.

At GlobalCert we attach great importance to the impartiality, consistency, integrity and confidentiality of the inspectors and experts we work with, so that each of our partners feels safe and gets the most out of our services.

ISO Accreditation Systems



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