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Specialist in critical education issues for managing patients with psychiatric problems

Specialist in critical education issues for managing patients with psychiatric problems

Description of Profession

The limitations of the nursing role include lack of autonomy, responsibility, administration of medication and the definition of nursing interventions. The educational and clinical needs of nurses focus on interventions in crisis situations, the cooperation of the members of the therapeutic group, the lack of staff and consequently nursing time with the sick, the safety in the working area and the psychological support of the staff.

Nurses and nursing assistants reported specific areas of psychiatric practice in which they consider their education to be incomplete or lacking.

The nurses expressed the willingness to be trained in such techniques by attending specific programs of continuing education. These programs seem to contribute both to improving knowledge of work offering a higher level of care to the sick and to increasing the confidence of nurses.


No requirements.

Candidate obtains the certificate after passing the exam.

The certificate is valid for 10 years.

The certified professional obtains:

  • - Proof of professional qualifications
  • - Professional ID card, a globally work asset
  • - Self confidence

However it is worth noting that:

The European Accreditation Bodies have founded the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA), one of the main goals of which is to promote the international recognition of both the accreditation provided by its members and the accredited services by maintaining reliable multilateral agreements (MLAs). ESYD is one of the founding members of EA. Since March 2004, ESYD has become a signatory to the MLAs for Testing Laboratories, Calibration Laboratories and Inspection Bodies and since March 2005 for Certification Bodies for all provided services (persons, products, quality management systems, environmental management systems).

Through the co-operation between accreditation bodies at global level, accreditation recognition of MLAs signatories is expanded to most industrially developed countries, such as U.S.A., Canada, Japan, China, Australia etc.

ESYD regularly participates in the EA General Assemblies and in the meetings of the EA Committees for MLAs, Laboratories, Certification and Inspection Bodies. ESYD is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Collaboration – ILAC


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Specialist in critical education issues for managing patients with psychiatric problems

Focus on interventions in crisis situations, the cooperation of the members of the therapeutic group...

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