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Career Counselor / Vocational Guidance Counselor

Career Counselor / Vocational Guidance Counselor


The Career Counselor / Vocational Guidance Counselor is the employee who plans, organizes, prepares and implements actions and / or seminars for career counseling and professional guidance. A Counselor’s work is based on the theories of counseling and the professional development of the individual; a counselor is aware of educational policies and socio-economic context, but also the special characteristics and needs of the target group.

In addition, a Counselor captures, evaluates and gives feedback on professional practices, while also developing relevant educational programs. This specialization covers the range of supporting actions in the professional, lifelong development of the individual, and particularly in two main areas of one’s life: education/training and employment.

In particular, a Counselor performs all the basic functions and tasks related to the primary provision of counseling, professional guidance and career services, with an emphasis on education, training or employment of the various target groups depending on the workplace (e.g., pupils, students, young people, adults, unemployed, vulnerable social groups, etc.).

The specialty of the Career Counselor / Vocational Guidance is horizontal.

No prerequisites applicable.

The candidate obtains a Certificate of Compliance after successfully passing the final examination.

The Certificate is valid for 10 years.

A Certified Professional acquires:

  • - Proof of their professional qualifications
  • - Professional Licence (ID)
  • - Self confidence

It is worth noting that:

The National Accreditation Bodies of all European countries must support the acceptance in their respective countries of the test reports, attestations and certificates issued by those bodies and laboratories accredited by the E.SY.D., and to recognize them as equal to the reports, attestations and certificates of the laboratories and bodies they have accredited themselves.

The above recognition is automatically extended on a global scale, through the bilateral agreements in force between the EA and the accreditation bodies of industrially developed countries (USA, Canada, Japan, China, Australia, etc.).


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Career Counselor / Vocational Guidance Counselor

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